Testimonials & Reviews on Commissioned Angel Portraits 

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Your Angels Are As

 Unique As You Are!

Sister Linda is now safe in the arms of Her Angels
Sister-in-Law Sue with Her Guardian Angel Portrait
Grandaughters Allysa & Chelsea with Their Guardian Angels

Lou Ann with Her Special Angel Portrait (Above)

Lyla Wearing Her Reiki Angels and Holding Her Special Angel Portrait (Above)

Receive 2 Gifts From The Angel Messenger When You...

 What can YOU See in The Angel Portrait Above?

 The recipient of this Angel Portrait Comes to Life when using a microphone!

 Yes... the Angel Portraits can present with meaningful  words 

Gail  & Her Guardian Angel 

Marcy & Her Guardian Angel 

Hi Gloria,

I am pleased with my ANGELS  package that I picked up on Friday. I asked my ANGELS a question, they gave me the answer in my sleep last night. It is fascinating! I have many Angels in my home, but never spoke to them that way, like I do now.  This is very special! The messages they gave you, touched me dearly! I see myself!  I framed the picture also, it is beautiful.

Everyday I see them smile and talk to me!  Thanks so much Joanne – of Fonthill, Ontario, Canada

Hi Gloria,

My name is Marci. I had my Angels drawn by you this past January. The name that was given to me by them is OVELLU.

I was going through a really hard time about 4 years ago.        My dad took me to the Humane Society. He thought getting me a cat would help me to see that I did have purpose in my life, something to live for. I didn’t really like cats, but thought that I would humor him anyway. I named my cat Tallulah Bell. Lu for short. As time went on I found that this furry little creature that talked more than I could listen, was helping me. I started to go outside of the house again. I stopped sleeping so much and eventually came off the medication that I was on.

I slowly began to realize that this cat was my soul mate. She gave me what I needed, when I needed it. Without judgement. Today I still have her and we live in Calgary. She flew with me here. She has also driven back home to St. Catharines with me.  We  road  tripped  through B.C.  together. I don’t do much without her.

Anyway my question to you is. Are my Angels connected to my cat? OVELLU is their name and if you play with the letters I get LOVE LU.  A coincidence? I think not!   Thank you for your time … Marci - of Calgary, Manitoba, Canada

Hi Gloria,

I just wanted to say thank you for taking time to chat with me on the phone. I am a true believer that things happen for a reason and I can’t tell you how happy I was when I came upon your brochure in a book I randomly picked up in the library at the Drew House B & B, a place where I was wanting to find peace for a few days.  This was the inspiration I needed at this time in my life and has helped me to re-connect with my spiritual beliefs and my Angels. I look forward to attending your next workshop/talk in this area and meet you in person. 

Thank you for the work you do for others.  Susie –  of Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.

Dear Gloria,

Thank you for tracking the delivery of my Angel package.

I was so anxious to receive the guidance within it that my patience was thin. However, as you say “divine timing is always working”, and this has proven to be true.

It seems that the courier deliverer rang the bell, placed a sticky note and left the package tucked into the side of a shrub at my front door, two days prior to me finding it there. The note was retrieved and placed with the mail, which I missed when glancing through the pile. The package was in perfect condition, even though it had rained and when I opened it the impact of the timing was very obvious to me. The events that my Angels mentioned had just taken place that day, and it was perfect timing for me to receive their guidance and suggestions now as a couple days ago, I would have gone into my familiar worrisome state and lost any empowerment to deal appropriately with the issue. Thank you for your part in this “divine timing”. 

I am viewing my portrait every day and seeing more and more each time.   This is awesome work you do.  Angel Blessings …. Lisa – of Indiana, U.S.A.

Hello Gloria Messenger,  

I must write to you here to thank you for the Angel Portrait and Message that I received recently. I own a printing company here that you would not know of. The message is so very accurate and profound for me, to prepare for the next step in my success. It is also amazing how the name given by my Angels is a very big part of my life

Thank you for this wonderful work you do. Roberto - of Porte Rico.

Dear Gloria,  

I sometimes feel my life will never change … this year we nearly lost our house, my car broke down, my husband got hurt at work and our money was very low.

However, when I received my personal angel drawing and message, I felt lifted and a sense of happiness. I suppose you could say, my faith was restored. A few days ago, just after receiving this special connection from you, I was driving to work and all of a sudden, in my car was a very strong floral scent that I could smell for a least 3 minutes. I want you to know that I have no smelly things hanging in my car at all.  

I knew without a doubt that someone was close to me…. my Angel! I have been feeling more positive about my outlook on life, and my friends have been saying that …  “I seem different … happy that is!” Thank you for this gift of help.  Michele – of  Bradford, Ontario, Canada

Hi Mom … You have entered a place that few have been … you pass a sign on the road that reads “YOU ARE ENTERING THE ANGEL ZONE !!!!!!!”

To say that I have been a bit skeptical at times may be an understatement. I’ve always believed in tangible reality, however, if it can be proven, I tend to re-open my mind. This is one of my thought mine re-opening situations.

After enjoying 10 years of employment in my selected field, I found myself a recipient of corporate downsizing with time on my hands to network, and possibly seek out employment in a different direction. Then I received this letter from you in March offering direction you requested for me from my Angels of The Light. I read it and then put it aside with some amusement I must admit.

 However, when the itemized and detailed predictions began to materialize … from the first line and I quote here … “the time is soon, a position to come to his attention on a phone call of old friend he has not spoken with for some time, with encouragement to apply for a position, using his name as reference, for a job not to be advertised in the media”…. my attention was alerted. I can now say that I am again employed, starting end of April with a company where I can expand upon my skills and enjoy the closer proximity to work, etc. etc. … just as the Angels predicted!

Wow it all fell into place as the message was laid out in point form…. what a coincidence?  I talk to my Angels regularly now… those special lotto numbers have not come through yet … p.s. Mom says the Angels put no importance on money… oh well! …. however I am still a BELIEVERLove … Gary – of  Whitby, Ontario, Canada

Hi Gloria   

My first experience with visions was awesome! It was something that I never thought would happen to me. I was very skeptical when I heard at your workshop that many had seen visions. I couldn’t believe, with one exception … I believe there is a higher spirit, I believe in God. 

One evening this summer, I decided to ask my Guardian Angel if I had one, to show herself to me, as you say we all have Guardian Angels, I just had to see for myself.

I went into meditation, stilled my mind, and my angel appeared! I saw her hair, eyes, nose and mouth . it was WONDERFUL.  She showed herself to me and then disappeared,. I haven’t seen her full face since, but I have seen her eyes occasionally. I am now a believer. 

A few days went by  and I decided I wanted to see more visions, so I asked. After meditating and centering myself, I saw wavy white lines (horizontal) coming down over and over. Then I saw a vision of myself sitting in a chair with 4 soldiers standing beside me! I just can’t find the words to explain how I felt at this time, except that it was awesome!

I have no special talents, I am just an ordinary person. I believe all who practice meditation and stilling the mind can also experience what I have. There is more to us than what we see in the mirror, I am sure.  Pat – of Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

I decided to ask Gloria Messenger to contact The Angels of The Light to channel a drawing and message from the ‘Reflexology Angels’ to assist in my work, after I had received a lovely channeled drawing of my own Guardian Angel from her.

Although I am aware of the presence of Angels and sometimes feel guided by them, I am usually unable to see them. However, one night I was visited by three beautiful intelligent ‘orbs of light’. Since this personal experience with Angelic forms, I have tried to include them in my everyday life. It seems that Angels like to be asked to help in life’s events and shy away from intruding against your will.

While working on a Reflexology patient’s head and feet, I like to imagine Angelic Healing Hands working through me and with the drawing hanging on the wall above my therapy couch, I am reminded to ask for their help.  Janet – of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Hi Gloria, 

I know my Angels are always close to me. In the past 4 years at three different times, I should have been killed in car accidents, and was not hurt in any way, nor was my car! It has taken me awhile to realize that even though my Angels are with me, things will occur in my life that are difficult. I still have these life lesions to learn. 

One of the best lessons I have learned in this past year is to TRUST, to let go of the want or need to manipulation on my part, as it seems to then bring me a great deal of happiness.

Accepting myself and my life at the moment, as it is, without misgivings, guilt or wishing for ‘what if’ is how I choose to life. I have become grateful for all life’s opportunities to grow and learn. Thank you for my beautiful Angel portrait. This portrait and messages have been emotionally touching and guiding to me.  Terry – of  Needles California, U.S.A.

Dear Gloria,        

Thank you so much for the Angel workshop on the weekend. I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about my Angels. I even felt a warming and lifting feeling during the meditationYou are such a special person and so very talented too, in getting the word across to people. 

Thank you very much for your kindness and generosity.  Greeba – of Niagara-on-the-lake, Ontario, Canada

I first met Gloria at the Niagara Falls Holistic center.  She explained to me how she can channel her Angels and in turn channel each person's angel, draw a coloured picture,the name of such angel and a personalized message. All she needed was their name, date and location of birth.  I thought, well I am open minded, so I had Gloria draw my Angel.  I thought that my Angel looked like me and the message sounded like what I needed to hear, but I wasn't totally convinced....yet!!! 

Gloria had never met either of my daughters so I thought that it would make a lovely end of the school year graduation picture so I asked Gloria to please do this service for each of my daughters.  Interestingly enough, my youngest daughter is highly energetic and is now a performer....her angel picture shows her big eyes with lots of wispy energy and has many stars...my other daughter, a different personality, shows her big dark eyes, tenderness and gentle healing tendencies.  The pictures are real reflections of what my girls have become, and both of them treasure their pictures, which are framed and on their bedroom walls, like I have done.

Thank you Gloria for the wonderful insight. ps I have since purchased the Angel Art Reading for granddaughters of my friends as an after birth shower gift. AnnaMarie, Let the Healing Begin, Niagara Falls, Canada 


I just wanted to send you something to thank you again for doing my Angel portrait and messages. I love them and I hope I will come to understand all they said to me. Judy and I enjoyed the workshop immensely. Thanks again.  Barb  – of Mississauga, On. Ca.

Dear Gloria

… and now I would like to get back to Gloria’s Angel package.

Thank you for sending this to me. I have to tell you a very strange thing regarding this, it is the truth, no exaggeration. This is real this angel message.

I told you I got a frame for the portrait to hang in my bedroom. First I thought it resembled Mom. Than, as I watched from a distance, I said … “But that’s me”! And, the more I look daily, the clearer it is – that it is me. Don’t ask me why, I can’t tell. It must have something to do with the eyes, remember I wrote that it reminded me of my mother. How can I see my own Guardian Angels? That is why I rejected my first response that it was my mother.

After re-reading gain slowly through the question – was ”do I recognize myself in the portrait and you wrote that this is your reflection also. It is unbelievable (unglaubliche!)  The name URETL – does tell me now, I can find my own universe – REAL – ETERNITY – TRUTH – LOVE  with spiritual guidance. I am convinced they are here – even if we can’t see them.  Thank you. Herta Maria –  of Bad Honnef, Germany.


 I wanted to thank you for your beautiful Angel letter and painting. You have truly been a divine gift to me. I am blessed and I bless your work! It was wonderful to meet and chat with you at Angel Treasures when we were in Canada on vacation. Love You Sue – Royal Oak, MA., U.S.A.

Dear Gloria

 Thank you so much for your kind words spoken at the tea for Denise. You have been blessed with a wonderful gift. I’ve read your letter many times and was torn apart with Denise’s answer to your question. She had so much faith – to the end – she thought she would get better. No one beats  cancer, we all know her illness was very advanced, still her “sudden” death was a shock.

The Good Lord in his mercy must have willed it that way. She did not know she was dying. Gloria  the loss and pain of loosing my daughter is sometimes unbearable – it never goes away.

Thank you for the Angels. I’ve added them to the others under the glass top of my pedestal. Should you receive messages from Denise and her Angels, I am very open to hear their words. Sincerely Lydia … Cape Town, South Africa.

Dearest Gloria,

I am writing you to express my gratitude to you for the wonderful gift you give to people like me who are in need, searching for answers!  I have had 2 occasions where you have helped me to understand. I’m sure I will have more again. The universe is just abundant and generous with it’s love and forgiveness! In this season of blessings, hope and new beginnings, I am in awe! I have walked this earth over 200 years ago, in the time of ‘Jesus’. Therefore, it is that much more special to me at this time of year! May the Divine Infant bless you and your family and keep you safe and happy! Health,  Love, Forgiveness! God’s Grace, Acceptance and Light! Just love my Angel ‘Semss’! Thank you Gloria.  Love Marcy ...Gloucester, On. Ca.

Hi Gloria

I want to share with you my reinforced belief of how we can send Angel hugs!  I have a son who is incarcerated, and I felt his despair. I asked one of my Angels to go to him, in his cell and stay with him, to give him comfort, strength, love and hope. A few days later, I received a letter from him. He said… “I felt an unusual experience a couple days ago. I felt flushed and warm all over, almost sick, but more like I was being hugged!Mom, were you thinking of me at that time?”

I am thrilled because I knew that my request had been honored. Sending Angel hugs to others and also requesting hugs for myself gives me such an experience of peace. Being surrounded in love and also the feeling of a gentle hug and gentle breeze.

Thank you for the channeled Angel Hug poem in your Angel Awareness newsletter, it is very inspiring to me. Rose – Indiana, U.S.A. 

Hi Gloria

I am compelled to share my recent experience with you. I sat on my favorite cushion, preparing to meditate, and on the table in front of me is a lit candle, surrounded by various crystals, stones, feathers and items that mean something significant to me. I set out a dominant intention to connect with my non-physical self and my council. My council consists of Angels, teachers, and guides. Generally anyone else who may be present to assist me in taking my next step forward on my spiritual journey is welcomed.

While in meditation, this particular evening, I sensed the depth to which I went in my mind. The light of the candle became brighter and stronger. It is usually at this point where I expect the unexpected. Anything tends to happen, like  creaking sounds in the front hallway as if someone is waiting to be welcomed or asked to come in.

Tonight, to my left on top of the upright piano, sits ‘Mrs. Potts’, a musical tea pot from Beauty & The Beast Musical, that rarely gets wound up and played. Except this particular evening, out of the silence ‘Mrs. Potts’ spontaneously begins to play. I froze for a second, then started to laugh when I realized that the tune playing was – ‘Be My Guest’. I listened to it play twice through and I felt grateful knowing that … they, my Angels … were waiting patiently and with a sense of humor!

I also know first hand that the Angels are amazing choreographers, another story. I was so wonderful to meet you and enhance the presence of Angels in my life. Om Shanti (Peace!)  Janet – Cambridge, On, Canada

Dear Gloria,

It was so wonderful to hear from you, with the invite to your upcoming 7 day ‘Angel Cruise’ of the Caribbean Islands. A wonderful vacation it would be and with the other Angel Team members on board it is sure to be an angelic experience. We would love to attend, however, we have just started a new business venture and funds are tied up until sometime in the future.

Timing is very much forefront in our lives, and our Angels are guiding us daily. We have our Angel portraits framed and in full view to inspire us. Please keep us informed of your next adventure, as our Angels say … the future is full of promise for us. Our paths could cross again soon. Solveig & Marie - Sweden

Dear Gloria,

To thank you for this vivid recall of an old childhood memory is my intent here.

Upon receiving the Angel portrait of my Angels, I was immediately reminded of myself as a young girl of 9 years. It is as if you had taken an old photo and reproduced it in vibrant colour to lift this memory to me. Although the meaning of this memory recall is unclear to me at this moment, it has given me the proof I was seeking when attending your Angel talk. Being of the faith myself, it is always reassuring that other teachers out there are sincere in their attempt to reach out to others. The written message has assisted me in a new approach to teaching, that I had been requesting. I am sure other insights will become apparent upon further inspection of this Angel package. It was a pleasure to meet and talk with you. God speed.  Sister  Mary-Marie - Indiana, U.S.A.

Hi Gloria

Just wanted to let you know what happened when I put your guided meditations c.d. on to assist me to visit with my Angels. You know that we got this puppy that is full of energy, and his name Storm fits him well.Well when your voice started to play, Storm stopped tearing through the house and went over and laid down in front of the speakers. To my amazement he stayed there until the meditation was over. This is shocking to me because he seems to have inexhaustible puppy energy. I’m sure the Angels were there in the meditation to calm him for awhile so I could revive my own energies with this wonderful visual I received while visiting with my Angels. Thanks for your assistance in this calming effect on Storm and myself. Marilyn – St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

I met Gloria Messenger way back in 1997 when she channeled my first Business Angel Portrait for Art from the Heart Adventures. She had no idea what I actually did or what medium I used to do it so she and I were both pleasantly surprised when this Angel’s name was Markym. In my workshops only markers are allowed to create the heartworks done by ‘y’ou m’e. I colour along with the person or group whenever I can. It was my first WOW experience with commissioning Gloria’s gifts of connecting with Angels. 

 Later, I had her do my Personal Guardian Angel. Again, she knew little about my personal life experiences or me feeling like I was older and wiser than my parents, that I always felt like I had an imaginary parent who I trusted for guidance more than any of my earthly adults. Read Rest of September  2011  Review... Carolyn Shannon, Women of Worth Online Magazine

”Just got back from ?Arizona to find your package. Wow. I LOVE, love, love my angel drawing ~ it makes me feel so joyous and wonderful to look at! Makes me want to giggle actually (which is a very good thing!). So beautiful and I can’t wait to re-read what the angels wrote. Thanks for this terrific and lovely gift. Much love! Debbi.” (an Award-winning, Syndicated Host of the "Dare to Dream' show broadcast out of California) 

”Hi Gloria, I just want to say thank you for the Angel Messenger and yourself. I received your angel package last month and I read and studied the message sent from the Angels. At first I was overwhelmed with information but needed to study it like a chess game for an example, to achieve the positive message sent. I have come to realize we are not alone and this angel package is a must for anyone who wants to learn. I will contact you again to ask the angels a question later.”    Regards, Brian Cleave 


I was inspired by Gloria's gift of heavenly communication and her ability to produce angelic portraits. I had her produce one for me and was just amazed at the results. It is a great experience to know that no one is really alone and even a greater sensation to have an actual image of my Angels. Most people will not believe in things they cannot see. 

Gloria opens these peoples' eyes by closing her own and having the Angels of The Light channel themselves, to allow an angelic portrait to be produced. Each portrait is personal and unique like the person themselves. Everyone should have an angelic portrait, it is a foundation for uplifting inspiration and especially in times of hardship it provides a source of comfort. Remember you are never alone - your guardian angel is right there along with you!”      Seigfried Merten, Master Financial Advisor.

Hello beautiful Gloria, 

I hope this message finds you blissful and enjoying this beautiful season. Thank you once again for my angel portrait.  I LOVE it more and more each day... Here is a little blog I just published about You and the Portrait. Please feel free to share, use bits from the writing etc etc.... If there is every anything else you require, do not hesitate to contact me. Next up... I am going to buy your book and I will do a review blog!  Lots and lots of love. Amy Whitney ITTV

My Angel came today from @GloriaMessenger Beautiful, insightful, & going up on my office wall 4 constant angel gazing #Janet - When I explored Gloria Messenger's website I immediately knew that I was to order one of her Angel Drawings and hang it on the wall of my new office in my new home. 'Viveell' , my personal angel, will keep me company hour after hour as I meet with clients and complete my next book. Janet Nester, Mindful Pathways, of North Carolina

Beautiful, insightful, & going up on my office wall 4 constant angel gazing #Janet - When I explored Gloria Messenger's website I immediately knew that I was to order one of her Angel Drawings and hang it on the wall of my new office in my new home. Viveell, my personal angel, will keep me company hour after hour as I meet with clients and complete my next book. - Janet N

I received this portrait from my dear friend Gloria Messenger on Oct. 13, 2014. Thanksgiving Day, how appropriate!!!

Eversee eeeee et al, is my angels name. This is what I perceive from my very special portrait as I meditated with it... Go Go Go, in other words, you go girl!!! Lots of love, healing and upliftment. I am in the fast lane, fast track. Rising above all the past stuff. Golden palm tree with heart, which to me really is appropriate as Florida is my home. Sandalphon is with me.

So much energy coming from the portrait - 8 angels - 8 is my number. Moving house, moving forward - onward & upward. Relax it is all coming together - go with the flow- let your angels carry you.
Peace & beauty surrounds you - envelop it - let your hair down & be yourself.

Be true to you, you do not owe anybody anything - you owe yourself the world. Drop the guilt - move forward in life with ease & grace. All abundance is is around you. You will be happier & more content with your new place.

Peace & serenity surrounds your new home, you will feel more like you there, not like you are constantly being watched. Happy happy happy, especially in your own special room surrounded by your angels & deities and all that you love in your new room. And your lanai, you will be at peace there with all the beauty of the yard & mermaid fountain & the birds singing - this is your new home. The one you will feel comfortable working out of, you always feel comfortable working out of your own home.

All is well in your world!!! Your home will sell for a good price, very soon - get it out there. Peace be with you til we meet again. All Love - Angels of the Light

Thank you Gloria and the Angels of the Light!!! I love you all!!! Lyla of Heaven Sent Messages



2 Portraits Left Behind 



 Hi Mom … You have entered a place that few have been … you pass a sign on the road that reads “YOU ARE ENTERING THE ANGEL ZONE !!!!!!!”

To say that I have been a bit skeptical at times may be an understatement. I’ve always believed in tangible reality, however, if it can be proven, I tend to re-open my mind. This is one of my thought mine re-opening situations.

After enjoying 10 years of employment in my selected field, I found myself a recipient of corporate downsizing with time on my hands to network, and possibly seek out employment in a different direction. Then I received this letter from you in March offering direction you requested for me from my Angels of The Light. I read it and then put it aside with some amusement I must admit.

However, when the itemized and detailed predictions began to materialize … from the first line and I quote here … “the time is soon, a position to come to his attention on a phone call of old friend he has not spoken with for some time, with encouragement to apply for a position, using his name as reference, for a job not to be advertised in the media”…. my attention was alerted. I can now say that I am again employed, starting end of April with a company where I can expand upon my skills and enjoy the closer proximity to work, etc. etc. … just as the Angels predicted! Wow it all fell into place as the message was laid out in point form…. what a coincidence?  I talk to my Angels regularly now… those special lotto numbers have not come through yet … p.s. Mom says the Angels put no importance on money… oh well! …. however I am still a BELIEVER.  Love … Gary – of  Whitby, Ontario, Canada

When I received my Angel portraits from Gloria I was amazed. I was touched deeply by the sensitive and beautiful creation from the Angelic Realm. There were so many uplifting and promising messages and more are appearing all the time. You are truly gifted Gloria. I am so glad I gave myself this gift.

Gail Ingwall of Transformational Healing & Emotional Release

 "I am learning, you are a great inspiration to us . My new portrait is truly magical. There is a fish, symbolic of the statement shared in Awaken your Spirit, I, Marcella am a fisher woman of The Lord, I feed God's children with the bread of life. There is an owl, symbolic of God's wisdom being shared. The mother and child, the love and sharing of our journey, David and mine, the examples written to inspire others. The weeping for the World Soul, the Female, Mother essence being strongly portrayed. All kingdoms and different Beings represented...Truly remarkable! So much more... Love Marcy"

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Awareness of the Angelic Guidance offered to You in life is EMPOWERING!
Your Angels are Continuously Reaching out to You!
Copyright © 2007 Gloria Messenger. All Rights Reserved.

Website Published by True Emotions Artwork Plus 


Awareness of the Angelic Guidance offered to You in life is EMPOWERING!
Your Angels are Continuously Reaching out to You!
Copyright © 2021 Gloria Messenger. All Rights Reserved.

Website Published by True Emotions Artwork Plus