What People Are Saying About Gloria and Her Gifts
Channelled Angel Portraits
(Your Angels are as unique as You are!)
Testimonials & Reviews on Angel Portraits, Angel Alerts & Gloria's Meditation/Books
Hi Gloria,
I am pleased with my ANGELS package that I picked up on Friday. I asked my ANGELS a question, they gave me the answer in my sleep last night.It is fascinating! I have many Angels in my home, but never spoke to them that way, like I do now. This is very special! The messages they gave you, touched me dearly! I see myself! I framed the picture also, it is beautiful. Everyday I see them smile and talk to me! Thanks so much … Joanne – of Fonthill, Ontario, Canada
Dear Gloria
Thank you for tracking the delivery of my Angel package. I was so anxious to receive the guidance within it that my patience was thin. However, as you say “divine timing is always working”, and this has proven to be true.
It seems that the courier deliverer rang the bell, placed a sticky note and left the package tucked into the side of a shrub at my front door, two days prior to me finding it there. The note was retrieved and placed with the mail, which I missed when glancing through the pile. The package was in perfect condition, even though it had rained and when I opened it the impact of the timing was very obvious to me. The events that my Angels mentioned had just taken place that day, and it was perfect timing for me to receive their guidance and suggestions now as a couple days ago, I would have gone into my familiar worrisome state and lost any empowerment to deal appropriately with the issue. Thank you for your part in this “divine timing”.
I am viewing my portrait every day and seeing more and more each time. This is awesome work you do. Angel Blessings …. Lisa – of Indiana, U.S.A.
Read More Angel Portrait Testimonials from ALL OVER The WORLD...
Gloria's Books
Hi Gloria, Happy New Year!
I finished the book and this is what I thought of it: Breathtaking, Inspiring and heart-warmth if I did not believe in Angels this book would make me think twice. I believe their are Angels all around us, they take on all shapes and forms and it's always comforting to know that we are really never alone and that we have the unconditional love of these magical precious beings we call Angels watching over us ever single minute of the day. I get warm and comforting chills when I think of Angel that I just want to cry they really touch our hearts and I am so glad that I believe in Angels. PM again
Beautiful ... WOW ! I am on Chapter 7 - started last night to read it while listening to my self-hypnosis music, just before going to bed. That was a great experience, very relaxing because I started to fall asleep while reading - that was ok. This morning I read again and made some wonderful discoveries for my self, from your experiences....Rosemary Evangelista, Women Empowered Magazine.
Amazing ... I can’t put this book down. It answers so many of my long unanswered questions. I want 5 more copies of this amazing book to give to special friends.... Roxsane Rysdae,HBA, RP-CRA, Komyo Reiki Kai Shihan The HeaLthy Self, Niagara Falls, ON.
Gloria's Meditations
Before the mediation even started I was mesmerized by the channelled drawing that seemed to be oozing energy as well as brightening in different areas as if to accentuate things I needed to focus on each moment. Then when it was time to go to the stressball I had removed from my solar phlexus earlier it had disappeared. I LOVE how this meditation takes me within and outside my body and finishes by mixing these energies to leave me feeling whole & complete.
Carolyn Shannon of Women of Worth Magazine (Affectionately Known as The WOW Gals) & BEEniagara
I had the opportunity to do this guided meditation by Gloria. This meditation helps you lift the stress out of the body and the different organs which hold our stress and eventually can cause sickness. We do this by visualizing our hands removing the stress that hold various feelings and emotions that affect our body. I especially like how we work inside and outside of the body mixing the wonderful energy. Throughout the meditation I saw various bright colors depending on the organ I was healing. Doing this meditation brought me to a state of peace and calmness and I felt energized.
Reverend Louise Michaud of Message from Spirits & Author of A Daughter's Journey
I did your meditation again yesterday & it was so powerful!!! I always bring in the reiki when I meditate & this time the reiki energy coming from my hands was so enhanced, it was just a magnified electric pulse emerging from my hands, like nothing I had ever experienced before in all the years I have been doing my reiki. A profound WOW moment for sure!!! Thank you Gloria & the Angels of the Light!!!
Lyla of Heaven Sent Messages
Read More Testimonials on Gloria's Meditations
Angel Alerts
"Hi Gloria, yesterday I went home after speaking with you and picked how I wanted my angels to contact me. I asked them to make my mouth around my lips to be itchy. I tried and tried telling the angels where and to please contact me so I know that they were there. Anyway, nothing happened and had a very busy day and forgot to go back to it. Well I was just sitting here contemplating the direction of my life and thinking many different ideas and didn’t my lips/mouth start to itch. I think you said to try to remember what your last thought was but unfortunately I cannot remember. Thank you for teaching me this, I will keep it up and start listening more. If you have any other next steps to pass along I would love to hear about it. Be Well, Stay Happy!” Wendy M, Happy Being Me & Wendy Speaks Up
“Greetings Glorious Gloria:)
Have a private thought I have decided to share with those who have the need to hear words of confirmation. I have had several tugs of confirmation from my angels which I have ignored in the past, perhaps for fear. Lately I have had a confirmation that I could not ignore, SO Obvious! I have asked my angels to tickle my feet when they wanted to alert my attention. My feet are not ticklish, or so I thought! For the first time in 52 years I have experienced my foot became very ticklish... OH this is my Angels Alert sign! Now what to remember? What was I just thinking? Yes, I recall that I was thinking of changing my mailing address. I had been renting a mail box in a nearby town for the past two years rather than the one I live in for the convenience of proximity. This not only caused a sense of disconnection, mail was often misdirected leaving me feeling the same way. I believe this Angels Alert message gave me confirmation and a gentle nudge to change my mailing address to the actual town I live in...
Awareness of the Angelic Guidance offered to You in life is EMPOWERING!
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